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Ryan Hogue

2023 Spring Décor Trends

That spring weather has been making sporadic appearances. It feels like those warmer days are becoming more and more common. Hopefully soon we'll be able to turn off our heat and open the windows and enjoy those beautiful spring days. With the change of seasons comes a change in décor trends. Spring is my favorite time to redecorate because I feel like it's the most drastic change in seasons. We go from being bundled up with blankets avoiding the outside to opening up our homes and wanting the outside to be part of your home. The burst of warmth and sunshine outside makes you want to reflect those same features inside. I read up on a ton of upcoming spring trends and decided to highlight 5 of my favorites. Make sure to send in pictures of your spring redecorating or any ideas you might have.

Glassware- I had a friend in college who did glass blowing and I was always amazed with it. So I loved seeing that one of the bigger trends for spring 2023. You can find beautiful glassware at most décor stores but if you want to add your own twist find a local glass blowing place to make you a custom piece. Or you can even take a few lessons yourself and make your own glass pieces. A beautiful glass piece can really add some class and beauty to a room. Think of a beautiful centerpiece for a coffee or kitchen table or a breathtaking piece of glassware on a shelf.

Wood Furniture-I saw this a handful of times so I thought I had to put it in. Many of my décor trend blogs mention something about bringing nature in and it only seemed right to have another one on the spring 2023 blog. Also I've never seen this particular trend before. It's not talking about sofas or chairs but is more talking about accent pieces. These can be smaller and sit on a table or shelf. But many I have seen are larger pieces that will grab the attention of those who enter the room. The natural wood helps transition the outside to inside and puts the grain and texture on full notice.

Indigo- I always put in the color of the season on these blogs and this season is no different. I also love this color so I'm excited to share that Indigo is what's popular this spring 2023. Indigo is both a masculine and feminine color that goes well with a lot but really pops when put against neutral colors. Adding black accents like stitching or pillows also makes the indigo stand out. It's considered a more casual color and is versatile for both indoor and outdoor spaces.

Gradation- When done right (in small doses) gradation can help the concept of color movement and rhythm. Think pillows, lamps and rugs. These can work together and help mesh the other colors of a room. In my opinion light soft colors work best with gradation


Artful Lighting- I've long said that lighting is an under appreciated part of interior design. I noticed lighting showed up on a few lists of 2023 trends and though they all focused on different kinds, there was a common thread that tied them all together: They're all treated as works of art. I'd opt for lighting that speaks to your personal style. It can be contemporary or shore style but no matter what make sure it stands out and speaks to you.

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